Client Agreement Form
1.I am willing to be guided through relaxation, visual imagery, hypnosis, and/or stress reduction techniques. I am aware that these modalities are non-medical in nature and it is my responsibility to consult my regular doctor about any changes in my condition or changes in my medication.
2.I understand that this hypnosis session is exclusively for educational and/or emotional enrichment. Hypnosis is not intended to be used as medical or psychological advice. I am participating in hypnosis by my own choice because I want to be here. I understand that I am not a patient, but a co-operator in my hypnosis experience.
3.I understand that being hypnotized is not being asleep. During a deep hypnotic trance, you can open your eyes, speak, laugh, walk and you may be aware of everything that happens around you. You can even open your eyes and think it is not working and that you are not hypnotized. But when you allow those feelings or thoughts that come to your mind to flow freely as Galina speaks to you, you will relax and remember forgotten events in this life or a past life.
4.I understand that change is my own and complete responsibility. I understand all healing is self-healing and that Galina is only a facilitator in the process of helping me to solve my own problem(s). It is my responsibility to be open and honest, provide accurate feedback and be forthcoming with details and information that may help me achieve my outcomes. I understand that any suggestion that is made during this session is only a part of a personal and educational motivation program, and is only informative. I understand that transformation is a process and that it can take time and I understand that my progress here involves how I care for myself physically, mentally and emotionally.
5.I understand that our session may be digitally recorded for my later use and that Galina Pavlova retains the copyright of these recordings. These recordings may not be shared without my written consent. I also understand that in these types of sessions, the energy in the room can affect the equipment and recording resulting in static or blank recordings.
I am of legal age and understand I am entering into a cooperative relationship of my own free will. I accept that I am a willing participant in this cooperative relationship that will employ Introspective Hypnotic techniques and any other appropriate modality by Galina Pavlova. I voluntarily agree to sign this agreement and assumption of risks, because I fully understand that Galina Pavlova is not a doctor, nor has a degree in Psychiatry, and can neither diagnose nor treat any type of physical or mental disorder. Therefore, I do hereby release and discharge Galina Pavlova from all claims of damages, liability, copyright, demands or actions whatsoever in any manner arising from or growing out of my cooperative participation.
Innate Hypnosis makes no claims of a cure for any disease. Each session is unique, individual results may vary, and its success depends on your cooperation and faith in the process. All sales are final with no refunds.